The SUMEX project team was happy to welcome participants at the “bringing it all together“ workshop, where we summarised the results of the SUMEX regional workshops on permitting, land use planning, health and safety, reporting and socio-economic and environmental impact assessments. This physical event was held on 17 November 2022 in Brussels as part of the EU Raw Materials Week 2022.
This event gave participants the opportunity to connect with each other and share knowledge that contributes to improving sustainable management of extractive industries in Europe.
In addition to presentations from keynote speakers on sustainable good practice examples in the European extractive industry, the event included a panel discussion and offered the possibility for exchange and networking.
Programme and links to presentations given:
09:30 – Opening from the moderator – Katharina Gugerell, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
09:35 – Introduction – Maria Nyberg, European Commission
09:40 – Sustainability Framework and approaches in Europe – Michael Tost, Montanuniversität Leoben
10:00 – SUMEX main results from the regional workshops and 2 good practice cases – Michael Tost, Montanuniversität Leoben
10:10 – Good practice case: Health and Safety challenges facing deep underground mine operators – Krzysztof Fulawka, KGHM CUPRUM R&D
10:45 – Coffee break
11:15 – Good practice case: Closing the loop in quarry extraction – Kjartan Eggebø, VELDE
11:40 – Panel discussion “What is needed to make sustainability happen?” with:
- Riikka Aaltonen, Mineral Policy Finland
- Maria Nyberg, DG GROW
- Pablo Libreros, Holcim Group
- Michael Reckordt, PowerShift e.V.
12:25 – Summary and closure
12:30 – End of the session
Check also the Twitter feed from the event:
Our SUMEX workshop “Making #Sustainability Happen: European #ExtractiveIndustries in the Transition” just kicked off at 🇪🇺 #RawMaterialsWeek – stay tuned for further news!
— SUMEX (@SUMEXproject) November 17, 2022
What is the background?
Numerous solutions, strategies and best practice examples towards sustainable extraction in Europe already exist. At the same time, important actors frequently lack appropriate opportunities to benefit from the knowledge and experience of other practitioners; they see the need for further capacity building.
To help fill this gap, the SUMEX project was hosting aseries of peer-learning workshopson sustainable mining in different subject areas. The 5 focus areas are:
1. land use planning,
2. permitting,
3. socio-economic and environmental impact assessment,
4. health & safety, and
5. reporting.
These workshops were held in four EU geographical regions to strengthen the regional network. The Brussels event brought all results and discussion of the four regional workshops together.
If you have questions or comments, please contact Stefanie Degreif: