The SUMEX project team is happy to announce our first regional workshop. This peer-learning event will be held on 23 November 2021, 10:00-12:30 and 14:00-16:00 CET.
Due to the uncertain COVID situation, this workshop is organised as a digital event.
What can you expect?
In this workshop we provide an opportunity for actors to connect with each other, to share their knowledge and to share with the SUMEX project what information is needed to improve sustainable management of extractive industries in Europe. The workshop was originally planned for the EU west region to strengthen the regional network and to minimize the travelling effort. However, due to ongoing COVID concerns, the first workshop will be a digital event without geographical limitations.
In this first regional workshop, we will focus on the issue of land use planning and permitting processes. In addition to short inputs from key note speakers, the main activity of this event will be discussion in smaller groups.
Who is invited?
We aim to bring together representatives of different policy and administrative levels, the extractive industries, permitting authorities and LUP authorities as well as civil society.
You are part of the community that engages in sustainable mining in Europe. Your knowledge and experience can be a valuable input to others whilst you learn interesting approaches from other stakeholders.
What is the background?
Numerous solutions, strategies and best practices towards sustainable mining in Europe already exist. At the same time, important actors frequently lack appropriate opportunities to benefit from the knowledge and experience of other practitioners; they see a need for further capacity building.
To help fill this gap, the SUMEX project is hosting a series of peer-learning workshops on sustainable mining in different subject areas. The 5 focus areas are:
- land use planning,
- permitting,
- socio-economic and environmental impact assessment,
- health & safety, and
- reporting.
Although these workshops were originally planned in geographical regions to strengthen the regional network and to minimise the travelling effort, due to ongoing COVID concerns, the first workshop will be a digital event.
The project will host the following five workshops:
- EU Region West (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands) – 23 November 2021, 10:00-12:30 and 14:00-16.00 CET (the workshop is open EU-wide, as this is a digital meeting)
- EU East (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia) – spring 2022
- EU South (Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain) – spring/summer 2022
- EU North (Denmark, Finland, Sweden) – summer 2022
- Overall (Brussels) – summer/autumn 2022
How can you register?
You may register at the following website until 12 November 2021:
We will send out the final agenda and preparation documents before the workshop. Due to the limited number of participants, we might not be able to confirm all registrations. We will send you a confirmation message after assessing your application.
For questions and comments, please contact Tobias Wagner:
We look forward to seeing you in the digital workshop!